Install choco windows 10

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Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force iex ((New-Object ).DownloadString(' ')) Open the command prompt as Administrator, install Choco and run the desired commands as needed. Here´s my current list of packages I am using. Besides the client, there also exists a Chocolatey GUI and Chocolatey Agent (aka chocolatey-agent) for central administration. NET 4.0 if you do not have it installed, see choco installation and Getting Started. Just to mention, the installation will attempt to install.

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PowerShell v2+ (not PowerShell Core yet though) and the

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You need to have Windows 7+ or/ Windows Server 2003+ as Operating System and Partly taken from About Chocolatey: Chocolatey CLI aka choco (or choco.exe) is a client that provides the core of Chocolatey and the installation store for locally installed packages. I am using choco since a long time, now I wanted to show my current packaged software for my new computer.

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Chocolatey is a cost free package manager for Windows using NuGet infrastructure and PowerShell to quickly installing applications and tools that you need. When installing a new computer, it takes some time to download and install the essential software.

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